Happy World Vegan Day!
For some, veganism is a fashion trend. For others, it's an alternative ideology or a new form of eco-activism. For us, it is an approach and direction of development that makes sense from all angles. And most importantly, it's a view to the future. But that's just part of why Mana has no animal products.
Before we elaborate, however, we would like to take this opportunity to wish vegans and non-vegans alike all the best on the occasion of this special holiday. (1 November was chosen as a holiday of veganism to commemorate the establishment of the British Vegan Society in 1944, the oldest vegan society in the world.) We therefore encourage everyone to take a moment to appreciate the concepts behind veganism. Maybe now is the time to give them some serious thought?
Why we are so enthusiastic about veganism
We love animals, of course, but veganism has more to do with the general ecological health of our planet.
Let's take a look at some hard data so you can see what we mean. Did you know that livestock production is more expensive, less efficient, and harder on the land than plant production? For example, an area of land used to produce soy for 60 people can be used to produce livestock for 2 people. Moreover, it takes 1,000 liters of drinking water to produce 1 liter of milk, which the cow would probably rather give to her calf anyway.
Can you imagine how many forests have been felled to expand pastures for livestock cultivation? How much water is necessary to maintain them? How much excrement, and thus methane, the cows leave on the ground and in the air? How long the plastic nets and ropes are that litter the ocean? These and other questions about livestock production are looming larger every day.
Our planet is not invincible
We used to think it was, but we were proven wrong by a study conducted by the prestigious scientific journal Nature – if we don't cut our meat consumption by 90%, mankind will be unable to sustain itself. They are talking primarily about the western inhabitants of our planet. The UN confirms this in its latest report, saying that by 2050 the Earth will be inhabited by 10 billion people, and that it is unrealistic to expect that it will be able to feed them if we continue our current practices.
So, what does this all mean? Well, we are not recommending that everyone go vegan, but we do believe in fundamentally limiting consumption of certain food items. For example, the average person should reduce beef consumption by 75%, pork consumption by 90%, and egg consumption by about 50%.
That doesn't seem so challenging compared to the alternative, does it?
We have to be the change we want to see in the world. That's why you won't find any animal ingredients in our products, and why we will continue to improve our packaging in an effort to make our ecological footprint as small as possible.
With love and humility towards our planet Earth,